It was something of a relief to turn over the calendar to a new month this morning. January was full of dark and grey days and, in spite of it being my birthday month, I struggled. Then came the rain and snow of February, and it felt as though winter would never end. Spring always …
Competition time!
I thought I’d do my first giveaway of 2021 and this one is all around reviews! I know that so many of you have read and enjoyed Sandstorm. Reviews really are the lifeblood for an author, so if you are able to leave a review either on goodreads, Amazon, or The Arabian Magazine Shop, that …
An interview by Business Life Online
During the height of lockdown last summer, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Business Life Online for their podcast. The brainchild of Richard Maun and Anna Stevenson, the podcast (which is also available on Spotify) The focus was on writing – how I write, how I got into writing and, of course, Sandstorm …
September days
Oh autumn, how I love thee… The bounty in the hedgerows, that amazing light as the sun begins its descent in the sky, and that slight chill in the air that makes you begin to think about log fires and big bowls of veggie-packed stews and soups. There is no doubt that 2020 has been …
Sandstorm – an update
Wow, I have been totally blown away by the response to my publishing Sandstorm in print. And print is definitely not dead – this edition has outsold the digital by 2:1. Great news! What has amazed me most are the amazing reviews coming in for my debut novel – even from people who are not …
Sandstorm – moving into print!
I am like a child at Christmas right now, waiting for the proof copy of Sandstorm to arrive! Yes, the time has come for me to launch my debut novel in print. I am hoping that the book will be available by 1 August, and am now taking pre-orders. It has been so well received …
100 days of lockdown
Today marks 100 days of lockdown here in the UK. I have just written my latest column for Norfolk Online and in that I lament the loss of one of life’s greatest pleasures – one that we definitely all took for granted – and that is a cup of coffee with a friend. Whether spontaneous …
The Norfolk Foodie Series
With lockdown resulting in all horse shows around the world being on a pause, and printing of The Arabian Breeders’ Magazine on hold for the time being, I have had the luxury of time to explore other avenues in my life. One of these has been a long-held desire to conduct a series of interviews …
Beautiful June
Pinch punch, first of the month. I hope that everybody is keeping safe and well. As we all know, we are living in challenging times, and I find it easier to concentrate on what I have, rather than have not, right now. We are all seeing so much change and uncertainty, and for me, I …
A collection of years
For The Arabian Magazine Collectors’ Edition, I used to do a feature called The Editor’s Year, which was a summary of my year – the horses I had seen, the places I had been, and some of the many magical moments along the way. These used to be on my old website, but rather than …